Welcome to Gluten-free Vegg. I'm Sam, and I develop (Gluten-free/Low-FODMAP/Vegan & Vegetarian) recipes that help the sensitive stomach. I started my journey a few years ago because of my own experience and struggle due to sudden food hypersensitivity. The GFV diet was not just an option for me, but it was a complete lifestyle transformation.
Several visits to the doctor's office, innumerable testing, and medications failed to offer me a proper diagnosis or relief for a couple of years, making me very frail and ill. I adopted a Low-FODMAP, GFV lifestyle in 2015. It was very challenging initially as there was little to no information and not many commercial GFV food options available on the market. I always missed a good meal and was constantly afraid to consume most foods due to severe consequences. I initiated conscious cooking/eating habits by incorporating the "then-new" Low-FODMAP diet and Indian Ayurvedic practices. I tried to make my recipes anti-inflammatory simultaneously, met the cravings, helped improve my gut, and ultimately contributed to my health get better within a few months.
Through this blog, I hope to help several people with food sensitivities and intolerances struggling to figure out what to eat. I want this blog to be a one-stop destination for all the delicious low-FODMAP/Gluten-free/Vegan & Vegetarian recipes along with useful tips for rebuilding normalcy and enjoy food like there isn't a barrier for nutritious and tasteful food.